Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) III
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Instrument for
Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) III
Since 2007, the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), has been supporting reforms in the enlargement EU region with financial and technical assistance. IPA funds build up the capacities of the beneficiaries throughout the accession process, resulting in progressive, positive developments in the region.
The Multi-annual Financial Framework 2021-2027 governs the EU support to the Western Balkans region throughout two distinct though complementary regulations, the Global Europe – Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (Global Europe) and the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III)
The IPA III regulation with its pre-accession assistance is the main financing tool supporting the Western Balkans region with projects and programmes within five thematic windows:
(W1) Rule of law, fundamental rights and democracy;
(W2) Good governance, acquis alignment, good neighbourly relations and strategic communication;
(W3) Green agenda and sustainable connectivity;
(W4) Competitiveness and inclusive growth; and
(W5) Territorial and cross border cooperation.
The international trade rules, EU´s regulations and import procedures, private industry quality standards as well as additional performance or quality marks can be a difficult hurdle for companies wishing to enter the EU, and other international, markets. In many cases, products must be tested and certified to ensure compliance with importer requirements to prove that EU requirements and private industry quality standards are being met. Therefore, exporters from West Balkan countries not only need appropriate production, processing, handling, trading, marketing technologies and know-how but also appropriate legal and institutional frameworks, competent control and auditing.
Data collected under the current IPA funded action show through simulation studies that initially export might grow from 120 to 150 million EUR in 3-5 years. Export potential shall be further enhanced if accompanied by noticeable structural shifts and reforms of agricultural systems.