Future of European Plant Protection

16 December 2024. In the third year of implementing our Plant Health Western Balkan project (PHWB), and with the strong commitment of its beneficiaries, the main objective of this project is nearly achieved: improving plant health in the Western Balkans…

 Raising Preparedness Through Simulation Exercises

Raising Preparedness Through Simulation Exercises

The Plant Protection Organizations of the Western Balkans are actively enhancing their preparedness for managing outbreaks of the most harmful pests that could impact their agriculture, forestry, and natural environment. As part of the PHWB project, several contingency plans have…

 IPPC 2023 regional workshop in Montenegro

IPPC 2023 regional workshop in Montenegro

Delegates from Western Balkan plant protection services took their active role at the IPPC Regional Workshop for Europe and Central Asia last week in Montenegro. Also the Project expert team participated as observer at workshop, which was held from September…

European Union talks with Albania and North Macedonia

The European Commission has started a screening of legislation with Albania and North Macedonia of ‘Resources, agriculture and cohesion cluster’. European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)  of the European Commission announced a bilateral screening with Albania and North…

Experts mission in Serbia_10-11 July 2023

During its visit to Belgrade, the Key experts discussed the new phytosanitary law with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, the team of legal experts and inspectors. A visit to an approved laboratory in Batajnica was organized.

Experts mission in Kosovo_3-7 July 2023

During his mission to Kosovo key experts discussed with stakholders new plant health law and procedure for adoption of the law in the parliament. It was agreed that additional support is required to draft Concept document before drafting the law.…

Experts mission in Albania_26-30 June 2023

The PHWB team visited Albania from 26 to 30 June and held talks with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and the relevant bodies about the new plant health law. During the visit, all participants could hear about the new…