Visit of the Key expert team in the beneficiary parties – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 14 of November 2022

The Key expert team,  Ms Ane Sindik TL-KE1 and Ms Tatjana Masten Milek SC-KE2, along with the regional support staff for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms Melisa Gazdic conducted a meeting at the Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Plant Health Protection on November 14th. They met with Nenad Colakovic, Head of the Plant Health Protection Department, Snezana Akulovic, Director’s Adviser at Administration of Plant Health and Team Leader of EU Twinning project EU-FITO-BiH and Ajla Dautbasic Senior Adviser for plant health protection.

Findings through this meeting contributed to review the project design, confirm the objectives, results, and activities of the project and where relevant propose amendments.