Visit of the Key expert team in the beneficiary parties – Tirana, Albania, 1 of December 2022, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)

The “tour” to meet all beneficiary parties of the project ended with the kick off meeting in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Tirana, Albania, on the first of December 2022.

The Key expert team, Ms Ane Sindik TL-KE1 and Ms Tatjana Masten Milek SC-KE2, and the regional support staff for Albania, Ms Jadranka Kungulovska met with Mr. Mirgen Dobruna, Project contact point for Albania and General Director at the General Directorate of Development in the Field of Food Safety, Veterinary, Plant Health and Fisheries and representatives from the AKVMB : Ms. Valdete Buca, and from the MARD : Mr. Imir Alla, Ms. Luljeta Cuku, Mr. Ismet Bici and Ms. Eglantina Zaimaj.

Findings through this meeting contributed to review the project design, confirm the objectives, results, and activities of the project and where relevant propose amendments.